
Walmley Golf Club


Bunker Etiquette

Be thoughtful and fair to other players and maintain pace of play.
Here are 6 tips just for the sand.

  • Before you go into bunker, pick the appropriate club, visualize your shot and take your practice swing in the grass.

  • Enter at low point near your ball. Protect those fragile, high-maintenance bunker faces.

  • Don't touch sand with club or rake, or kick it around with your shoe. This isn't etiquette - it's the rules.

  • Take same path out of the bunker to minimize raking and time.

  • Leave no footprints behind. Rake it back and forth, nice and smooth, and use the back of the rake too. No ridges, please.

  • Place the rake back in the bunker.

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Brooks Road, Wylde Green , Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham , B72 1HR

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